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​What we believe


A Bible-Focused Church

Perhaps the most obvious feature of Campbeltown Free Church – and the Free Church in general – is the centrality of the Bible in all that we do.  We wholeheartedly believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God. Consequently, everything from our patterns of worship to our church structures seeks to reflect clear Biblical teaching.  That’s why, for example, in our worship we sing only the words of the Bible, hear them read, explained, and applied to our lives in a sermon, and pray for God’s promises in the Bible to be fulfilled in our various circumstances.


A Jesus-Focused Church

The central focus of the whole Bible is to be found in a person – Jesus Christ.

At the heart of the identity of our church is a passion for sharing the good news about Jesus Christ (the Gospel) and a desire to live in the light of this. So, each Sunday you will hear the same wonderful message explained from the Bible and applied to everyday life. That wonderful message is this: that Jesus Christ (both fully God and fully human) came into the world to seek out and rescue lost, sinful men and women, by bearing their guilt and condemnation on his Cross and rising again to life in victory over sin and death and hell. Because of what Jesus did, Christians live transformed lives.  It is this message, far more than any historic or cultural distinctive, that defines us. This is what we are about.


A Church with a Mission

We believe that the gospel message is for everyone. Jesus commanded his church to ‘go and make disciples of all nations’ (Matthew 28:19). 

The Free Church of Scotland takes that command seriously. In partnership with other churches, we therefore seek to bring the gospel to every person in Scotland, and to the whole world, through:

  • The work of over a hundred and forty local churches across Scotland, five in North America and one in London.

  • Our growing commitment to planting new churches to reach new people.

  • A far-reaching programme of international missionary work in Eastern Europe, Central Asia, Africa, Latin America and India.

  • A comprehensive summer camp programme for children - Free Church Youth Camps - which provides a fantastic week of fun activities for hundreds of young people every year.

  • A theological college in the heart of Edinburgh - Edinburgh Theological Seminary. ETS trains men and women for gospel work and Christian service in our local congregations and throughout the world.

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